

    Please note that due to bank holidays in May the work schedule of ENEL-MED centres is subject to change. Below, please find the detailed timetable of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED for May 1st-3rd, May 15th, and May 26th-29th. The work schedule of Call Centre on these days is subject to change, too. The First Medical Line will be open day and night.

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    Please note that on Easter and on Easter Monday all ENEL-MED centres shall be closed. On 26 March 2016 (Saturday) the working hours of ENEL-MED centres and of our Call Centre are subject to change, too. The First Medical Line will be open day and night. Please find the detailed Easter timetable at ENEL-MED centres below.

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  • Opening hours of centres in the Christmas and New Year period 2015/2016

    Between 24 December 2015 and 06 January 2016, the opening hours of ENEL-MED centres shall be changed. The centres will be open according to the schedule as shown below.

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  • ENEL-SPORT - już niebawem otwarcie

    Już 23 listopada 2015 roku spółka ENEL-MED S.A. we współpracy z Legią Warszawa otworzą ENEL-SPORT – najnowocześniejszą klinikę ortopedyczno-rehabilitacyjną w Polsce i jedną z najlepiej wyposażonych placówek medycyny sportowej w Europie. To nowa marka w portfolio grupy ENEL-MED. Podpisując umowę z kliniką, Legia Warszawa wzorem tych największych w Europie zdecydowała, aby opiekę medyczną nad wszystkimi zawodnikami powierzyć jednej wyspecjalizowanej placówce.

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    Please note that on All Saints’ Day (November 1st) and the National Independence Day (November 11th) the ENEL-MED centres shall be closed. The outpatient emergency services will be available day and night at the Centrum Hospital as well as the First Medical Line (501 111 999 or 22 23 07 007).

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  • The opening hours of CM ENEL-MED centres on 15 August

    We would like to inform you that on 15 August the facilities of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED and the Call Centre will be closed. In Warsaw, the Emergency Outpatient Healthcare at the Centrum Hospital will be open as follows: Orthopaedics – day and night (for 7-year-old patients and above), Family Medicine – from 8:00 am to 1:00 am (for 1-year-old patients and above). The First Medical Line will be open day and night.

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  • ENEL-MED joins the Polish Union of Specialist Hospitals of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan

    Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. has become a member of the Polish Union of Specialist Hospitals (Polska Unia Szpitali Specjalistycznych) of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan.

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  • We are looking forward to your visit at our online store.

    You can now buy ENEL-MED gift cards without leaving home. Just enter our online store at Our cards include medical service packages that are tailored to the needs of our clients – such a card is an ideal gift idea for women, men, parents of small children (paediatric services included in a package) and senior people. Orders placed at our online store until 19 December will be completed before the Christmas Day.

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  • ENEL-MED opens a new facility: The ESTELL Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

    The ESTELL Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, a new ENEL-MED facility, is going to welcome its first patients on 03 December 2014. "The highest quality and safety of the services provided is ensured by our clinical team that comprises certified aesthetic medicine doctors, the graduates from post-graduate studies at the University of Warsaw, and Post-Grad Aesthetic Medicine Schools established by the Polish Medical Association and Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Ageing Association", emphasizes Beata Krakowska, General Director of ESTELL. The ESTELL Clinic is located in the Senator building at Bielańska 12 in Warsaw.

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  • The opening of ESTELL – our new aesthetic medicine clinic

    On Friday, 21 November 2014, the solemn gala was held on the occasion of opening of the new luxurious ESTELL aesthetic medicine clinic. The new brand of the Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED is the answer to the current needs of women and men for whom their good looks are important in their personal and professional lives. The event was hosted by Olivier Janiak.

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  • Beware of summer “silent fractures”

    During the summer, there is an increasing risk of sports injuries, particularly the scaphoid bone fractures, which are described by physicians as “silent fractures”. Skaters, skateboarders and cyclists often trivialise a seemingly minor wrist injury, which can have serious consequences when left untreated. “How is it caused and how to treat it?”, says dr. Paweł Nowicki, a hand surgeon at the ENEL-MED Centrum Hospital.

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  • Puławska Center: the change of working hours

    During summer holidays (July and August), the working hours of Puławska Center are about to change. On Saturdays, the Puławska Center will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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  • The change of opening hours over the long weekend (19-22 June 2014)

    During the long weekend (19-22 July 2014), the working hours of CM ENEL-MED are about to change. The First Medical Line is working day and night. The Centrum Hospital in Warsaw is on a 24/7 orthopaedic and diagnostic duty.

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  • Change of location of Emergency Outpatient Care for the night of 30-31 May

    Please be informed that just for the night of 30-31 May (21:00-08:00) the emergency outpatient care, orthopaedic standby and imaging diagnostics services will be available at the Zacisze Centre (Gilarska 86c). We apologise for inconvenience.

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  • ENEL-MED received the title of the Perfect Employer 2014

    In the Perfect Employer 2014 ranking, prepared by Universum, a consultancy company, Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED was ranked first in the category of Medicine and Pharmacy. The ranking is based on the opinions of over 23,500 students of various fields. In the independent study, the respondents indicate companies for which they would like to work at after graduation.

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  • Registration to diagnostic units – from 01 May 2014

    Please note that the process of relocation of seven diagnostic imaging units of ENEL-MED (Bielany, Konin, Lublin, Łomża, Mielec, Poznań, Wołomin) to a new subsidiary, CENTRUM MEDYCZNE DIAGNOSTYKA Sp. z o.o., has just been completed.

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  • PROMENADA CENTRE: the newest ENEL-MED healthcare centre launched on the Praga’s bank of the Vistula River

    On 05 May 2014, we are opening a new multi-profile healthcare facility: the Promenada Centre. It is located on the 6th floor of Atrium Promenada Shopping Mall in Praga (Warsaw), at Ostrobramska 75c.

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  • Arkadia Centre closed for redecoration

    We would like to inform you that due to renovation works, our Arkadia Centre will be closed between 27 April and 01 June 2014. During this period, starting from 05 May 2014, the most of Arkadia Centre doctors will be meeting their patients at ENEL-MED Promenada Centre, located at the shopping mall in Ostrobramska 75c.

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  • Appointments at the Promenada Centre

    Patients may already schedule appointments at the new ENEL-MED Centre at Ostrobramska 75c. The Promenada Centre will be open this May.

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  • New effective treatment of varicose veins with the VENEFIT radio frequency method

    Fast resumption of daily activities and exceptionally effective elimination of venous failure symptoms such as pain, swelling and feeling of heavy legs – these are the most important benefits of a new, minimally invasive method to treat varicose veins of the lower extremities with radio frequency waves – VENEFIT. This modern procedure has been available at the Warsaw Zacisze Hospital since January.

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